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Leadership Team Effectiveness Program

Unite leadership team members on a powerful journey to increase personal effectiveness, achieve team results, strengthen the psychological safety within the group and shape highly constructive cultures. This program includes self and 360° leadership feedback and other group assessment tools to strengthen personal styles, leadership and team effectiveness strategies, and how to drive high performance. The Leadership Team Effectiveness Program consists of a five-phase journey designed to empower participants to learn new strategies, inspire others, model desired behaviours, and develop the next level of leaders and their leadership team.

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Clarify the purpose of your team and individual development journeys. 

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Individual Assessment 

Begin your individual journey by completing a self and 360° leadership feedback assessment to quantify targets for development in terms of styles, strategies, impact, and/or effectiveness.

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Team Development Plan 

See how your team affects each other and discover the impact you’d ideally like to have to maximize team effectiveness. Identify leadership and group strategies and interaction patterns needed to be more constructive.

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Individual Development Plan 

Participate in a 1:1 coaching session and individual development plan based on your own leadership and leadership 360° feedback report that correlates to the team’s goals and priorities.

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Team Development Implementation & Coaching 

Receive pulse checks, practice accountability, and develop new behaviours to operate as a team in a more constructive and effective way.

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Real-Life Problem Simulation 

Be challenged to identify the most appropriate approaches to coaching, goal-setting, and motivating others through an exercise designed to reinforce and highlight your team’s assumptions, beliefs, and attitudes.

On-Going Coaching Support 

Receive ongoing feedback and coaching to support your individual development journey.

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Journey Progress & Evaluation 

Re-measure to track you and your team’s progress and correlate with key performance measures to show the relationship between the quality of leadership and outcomes. Celebrate successes and determine next areas of focus for development.

Make our Leadership Team Effectiveness program be part of your drive for change

An experienced Peak Experiences associate can help you assess and create the conditions to advance, implement and maintain the key principles for building leaders that support high performance teams across the organization. If you would like to know more about our Leadership Team Effectiveness program or any of our customized leadership or team building workshops, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.

What is the time investment for the leadership team? 

An experienced Peak Experiences associate can help you assess and create the conditions to advance, implement and maintain the key principles for building leaders that support high performance teams across the organization. If you would like to know more about our Leadership Team Effectiveness program or any of our customized leadership or team building workshops, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.

How soon will we see results? 

Typically, teams realize some quick wins within three months as new, Constructive behaviours develop and become routine. More significant behavioural changes in individuals and teams can take 6 to 12 months. A full re-measure is recommended after 12 months to show the magnitude of change.

Five-Phase Leadership Team Effectiveness Journey 

The five-phase journey can be rolled out to multiple teams simultaneously or to one team and cascaded throughout the organization.


1. Lock in Safety

Strengthen the psychological 

safety in you group to foster constructive mindsets 


2. Purpose Understand Why

Clarify the purpose of your team and individual development journeys.

Discover and align


3. Build a Baseline

Enlist and engage, measure and analyze


4. Create Change

Debrief results, build capacity and initiate planning


5. Learn and Sustain

Finalize plans, implement, learn and adjust

Psychological Safety and Group Effectiveness Understandings

Gain new insights into what makes a leadership team effective. Learn how your individual behaviour and leadership strategy contribute to the greater team success and shape the culture of the organization.

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