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Community Engagement
As sustainable business leaders, Peak Experiences associates are proudly engaged in local and provincial sustainable development initiatives.
Our work is rooted in what can be achieved through an alignment in values, vision and beliefs, combined with an informed understanding of how people can best work together. We seek opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment, supporting an collaborating with the organizations that we work with to help build capacity in communities to be healthy, prosperous and sustainable. Peak Experiences Associates proudly engage in local and regional sustainable development initiatives in partnership with the following groups, using our collective expertise to provide leadership and support in reaching their goals.
Current Involvement
Syrian Antigonish Families Embrace (S.A.F.E): The Syrian Hadhad Family & Peace by Chocolate - website
Nitap Indigenous Program - Community of Paqtnkek - Google Nitap Program on Facebook
Antigonish Community Energy - website
Antigonish Community Energy Cooperative - website
The Nova Scotia Outdoor Leadership Development Program - website
Heartwood Centre for Community Youth Development - website
The Antigonish Harbour Watershed Association - website
The Antigonish Affordable Housing Association - website
Peak Experiences Consulting - Sustainability Story and Policies - PDF