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About Us

Peak Experiences was formed in 1992 to help individuals by delivering powerful learning solutions for organizations, leaders and practitioners who have a clear stake in accelerating their individual and collective effectiveness. Through the use of our globally-recognized tools from Human Synergistics, administered locally by our associates, our clients are able to measure what many assume to be unmeasurable — individual behaviour, group styles, organizational culture, and the impact of these factors on effectiveness and performance.  By doing so, we enable individuals, groups, and organizations to initiate changes and realize their potential. 

Our business is about constructive development. We facilitate behavioral change that leads to increased individual, team, and organizational effectiveness. Our long and successful relationship with Human Synergistics Canada along with our home-grown programming allows us to help teams, organizations, and their members to measure and improve leadership and culture and to increase organizational performance and sustainability. 

Here is a short video introduction:  A Welcome to Peak Experiences

Our History


Founded in 1992, Peak Experiences has earned an regional reputation for innovation in the field of leadership and organizational development.  We’re proud to help organizations from around the Maritimes and across Canada to support their people and improve their performance through a focus on strengthening culture, leadership development and team-building. Peak Experiences was established by Frank Gallant and further developed over the years with a team of experienced associates and with our strategic relationship with Human Synergistics. With our head office in Halifax, Nova Scotia, we work with organizations large and small from our associate satellite offices across the Maritimes.  We have a strong presence across the region linked with a strong network within Human Synergistics Canada of over 2,500 accredited practitioners provides us with the most extensive database of individual, group and organizational behaviour variables in this part of the world. Our firm has a regional database of over 2,500 organizations and we have assessed and supported over 10,000 individuals on their journey to being more effective leaders. This contribution in the Maritimes is unmatched in its depth and breadth.

Our expertise at Peak Experiences with a strong relationship and link with Human Synergistics International allow us access to tools that specializes in measuring and developing organizational cultures, leadership strategies, team synergies and individual behavioural styles. All our services are based on comprehensive, evidence-based research and an uncompromising commitment to the highest standards of quality and integrity – whether we’re providing assessments, facilitating team-building sessions, hosting leadership workshops, or providing consulting services to support the implementation of our materials – and we invite you to join us!

Human Synergistics Accredited Certified Practitioners 

We have been working with the world class assessment tools from Human Synergistics since 1998 and have received very positive and consistent feedback from our clients on the impact these tools have on their professional and personal lives. 

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