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The Difference Human Synergistic Tools Make 

Industry-Leading Diagnostic Tools for Leaders and Managers from Human Synergistics International™


Much of our organizational culture, team and leadership development work involves the use of proven Human Synergistics tools, which provide a means to measure, report, discuss and better understand individual and collective human behaviour, and their impact upon performance.  

The centrepiece of the Human Synergistics methodology is the Human Synergistics Circumplex™, based on 45 years of research (©2001 Human Synergistics International | Research & Development by Robert A Cooke, PhD and J Clayton Lafferty, PhD), and shown below. The 12 “styles” of thinking and behaviour are grouped into three clusters:

The results of these diagnostic tools provide a more objective and sound base from which to plan, develop and implement improvement strategies that achieve real results. 

We are accredited and experienced in the use of the following Human Synergistics tools:


Life Styles InventoryTM  (LSI 1 and LSI 2) – The LSI identifies the underlying thoughts and motivations that guide an individual's behaviour. Includes self-assessment and feedback from others.  


Management/ImpactTM (M/I) – This powerful tool provides participants with insight into their management approaches, their impact on others and their overall effectiveness.


Leadership/Impact® (L/I) – This tool is designed specifically for those in senior leadership roles - primarily senior managers and CEOs. L/I represents the cutting edge of research into leadership effectiveness.


Group Styles Inventory (GSI) - The GSI is a team based measure, which assesses the behaviours observed by team members during a real or simulated team decision-making exercise. The results of the GSI provide real insight into the “inner workings” of a team and how the team’s current practices are contributing to or inhibiting effectiveness.


Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI) - The OCI is the most widely used and thoroughly researched tool for measuring organisational culture in the world. It provides a profile of an organisation's operating culture, in terms of the behaviours that members believe are required to "fit in and meet expectations". These expectations subsequently drive behaviour and directly impact organisational performance.  


Organizational Effectiveness InventoryTM (OEI) – When used in conjunction with the OCI, the OEI helps to identify the Causal Factors (Levers for Change) that shape organisational culture and subsequent outcomes. 

We’ve achieved great results at individual, group and organisational levels through the planning and deployment of programs based on these methodologies.   Call us today to discuss how we can help you transform your people, your team and/or your organisation.

Measure impact and effectiveness, as well as leadership strategies and management approaches, skills, and styles with one of our diagnostic and feedback tools for leaders, managers or supervisors. Since 1997, we have been utilizing the world class assessment tools by Human Synergistics International. This short booklet gives you an insight into our different diagnostic tools and approach to make sustainable change in individuals, teams, leaders and your organization. 

Since 1997, we have been utilizing the world class assessment tools by Human Synergistics International. This short booklet gives you an insight into our different diagnostic tools and approach to make sustainable change in individuals, teams, leaders and your organization.

The Circumplex


The Human Synergistics Circumplex provides a way to see, measure, and change the thinking and behavioural styles proven to drive the performance of not only individuals, but also groups and organizations.

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