Our Culture Change Investments
Peak Experiences associates are proudly engaged in local and provincial culture changes initiatives.
Our work is rooted in what can be achieved through an alignment in values, vision and beliefs, combined with an informed understanding of how people can best work together. We seek opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment, advance social justice issues, supporting an collaborating with the organizations that we work with to help build capacity in communities to be healthy, prosperous and sustainable.
Peak Experiences Associates proudly engage in local and regional sustainable development initiatives in partnership with the following groups, using our collective expertise to provide leadership and support in reaching their goals. Together, we are reinventing the way the way the world works here at home.
Our Current Culture Change Initiatives
Black Lives Matter
in partnership with
The Nitap Program
in partnership with
Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation
Indigenous Well Being
Climate Change
in partnership with
Nova Scotia Forestry Sector
Carbon Postive
Syrian Refugees
in partnership with
Peace by Chocolate
Self Reliance
Future Culture Change Initiatives
Me Too Movement
in partnership with
Sexual Assault
Wealth Alleviation
in partnership with
Aggression & Greed
Local Wilderness Spaces
in partnership with
Protecting Bio-Diversity
Social Media Addictions
in partnership with
Human Connectivity