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Culture Leaders Network - Annual Culture Change Summit

We are building a future that’s better for everyone, not just the few – and we do that by increasing people’s capacity to create culture change within their organizations and their communities.


If you're interested in how you can bridge the gap between innovation and large-scale impact, we, together with other culture leaders invite you to come together for a day of exploring the common cultural change challenge in your organization or around a cultural change movement in your community. 

The best ways to create change, we believe, is to focusing on

projects that bring together diverse groups of people to find

creative solutions to tricky challenges. We reference this

'tapping the wisdom of the crowd.'  


Today's complex challenges around injustices require ambitious,

joined-up solutions and a shift from standalone innovations

to deliberate collective action at scale. This requires individuals, 

organizations, businesses and communities to take the lead -

as culture leadersCulture Change is challenging, yet the work leaves us deeply hopeful. We have been immersed and bathed in a cultural a story for generations; one grounded in the beliefs of patriarchal and colonial frameworks. The impacts of these stories have been so negative and harmful that we are now at a cross roads where the only responsible choice is to change our culture. There is an invitation in the air. Let's change now. It's time to build upon the current momentum and create the big shift - change matters. 

We are keeping this gathering simple. We will co-ordinate getting people to the gathering spot, supply the facilitation for the day along with a number of resource people with expertise in leadership, social and cultural change. There is no fee for network members. We do ask you to bring a long a a friend or two and make a small donation to our partnership Nitap Program with Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation on the day of the gathering.    


We invite you to join us by bringing along a drink, snacks, a bagged lunch, your culture change challenges, your ideas and hopefully a friend or two or three... we look forward to having you joining other culture leaders at our first annual Culture Leaders Network Leaders Summit on November 3rd, 2025 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Stay tuned for more information. 

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To register for the incubation lab, please take the time to fill out the information below.

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